Answers for Lab 5 1. Should instance variable interestRate be declared as static? Explain. 2. Write the output from the test harness for class SavingsAccount. 3. Which method(s) of the class CheckingAccount demonstrate overriding? Which methods of the class CheckingAccount demonstrate overloading? 4. Is bacc0 = chacc1 legal? Why? 5. Which toString method was used, from BankAccount or from CheckingAccount? Explain why. 6. Is chacc1 = bacc1 legal? Why? 7. On which variables bacc1, chacc1, sacc1 was the invocation to method deductFees() valid? Explain. 8. Which compilation error(s) could be fixed through casting? Which one(s) could not be fixed? Why? 9. Does the program run after deleting the line causing the compilation error? If the program crashed, why did it crash? 10. What was the runtime error obtained when changing super.deposit(amount) to deposit(amount) in class 11. How many times is method deposit invoked? 12. Why does the compiler issue an error message when invoking newAcc.getTransactionCount()? Why does the compiler issue an error message when invoking newAcc.getInterestRate()? 13. Can you tell whether in the statement String accountInfo = newAcc.toString(); the method toString() being invoked is from the class CheckingAccount or from the class SavingsAccount? Explain your answer.