Answers for Lab 6 1. Write the line number of the if statement in that causes variable testPaseed to be set to false. 2. What is the row and column where the head of the snake is currently positioned? Is this the correct position for the head of the snake? 3. Why did the statement "head.setRow(row-1);" changed the data stored in snakeBody[0]? 4. What is the correct way of comparing BodySnake[i] and pos? 5. Which method tried to access a null object, causing the error in the program? 6. Why does program crashes? 7. Which statement causes an exception to be thrown in ExceptionExample6 and ExecptionExample7? 8. In ExceptionExample7 does the execution of method change continue after the statement that generates the exception? 9. In which method of ExceptionExample8 is the exception caught?