We are looking for paid part-time Research Assistant(s) to work in Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab at Western University on a R&D projects.

Project A. For the GlucoGuide Project (check out details here), you should have some of the following skills:
  1. Java, Android SDK, SQLite, API Design, Android NDK
  2. OCR, Computer Vision, object recognition and classification
  3. Software Testing and Run-time analysis
  4. Web servers: J2EE/PHP/ASP.Net, Web application deployment, Database
  5. iOS development (C++, Objective C, iOS SDK, SQLite; OR, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript)
Project B: Content Personalization in eCommerce. You should have some of the following skills:
  1. Familiar with machine learning methods and recommendation systems
  2. Java
  3. Spring
  4. MySql
Please send your resume to Prof. Charles Ling at cling@csd.uwo.ca, and specify which project and skills you have (such as A2, A5, B1).