
I am interested in working with students with strong technical and communication skills to work on reinforcement learning, machine learning and statistical methodology in the service of medical decision making. All contact should be made via the appropriate UWO admissions systems.

Current Students

  • Rhiannon Rose - Rhiannon has her MMath from Waterloo; she is currently an Epidemiology PhD student working on penalized regression and classification methods for identifying and exploring response heterogeneity.
  • Patrick Kim - Patrick is an Epidemiology MSc student working on clinical decision support and multimorbidity. He is co-supervised by Dr. Amanda Terry.
  • Lavanya Uruthiramoorthy - Lavanya is an Epidemiology MSc student working on quality of life in glaucoma patients. She is co-supervised by Dr. Monali Malvankar.
  • Brent Davis - Brent is a Computer Science MSc student working on kernel methods for detecting epistatic effects.

Former Students

  • Chengbo (Steve) Li - Graduated MMath Winter 2015 - Chengbo got his MMath degree developing machine learning and statistical methods for ventilator triage decision support. His focus was on causal sensitivity analysis for decision trees.
  • Rob Suderman - Graduated MMath Fall 2014 - (Co-supervised with Nasser Abukhdeir) Rob was an MMath student who worked on applications of machine learning and machine vision to characterizing experimental images and spectroscopy data of self-assembled materials.
  • Rhiannon Rose - Graduated MMath Fall 2014 Rhiannon earned her MMath working on penalized regression models with "global" and "local" structure. Such models are used in multi-task learning.
  • Michael Cormier - Graduated MMath Fall 2013 - (Co-supervised with Richard Mann) Michael is an MMath student working on reconstructing 3D models of galaxies from 2D telescope data.
  • Ayman Shalaby - Graduated MMath Spring 2014 - Ayman is an MMath student working on new models for syndromic surveillance and contact tracing. News: Ayman was on an internship at Cloudera where he is worked on his big data skills; he is now with Nuance.