Spring 2003: Voice Mail System

Group: _____________



I.  Administrative mode- Adding & Deleting Receivers;

1. (System Startup)
Test case:
- Starts system from Unix command line with callme -admin option
Expected output:
- System starts up showing main admin menu--> do admin stuff

2. (Clean out system for initial test)
Test case:
- while in admin mode, bulk load with the file: bulkcleaner.txt --> 80000 Delete, Me
Expected output:
- Message indicating bulk load successful
- System now has 1 receiver -> 80000

3. (Make system have no receivers)
Test case:
- delete receiver 80000
Expected output:
- Confirmation message on delete
-No receivers now in the system

4. (Check data persistence) 
Test case:
- exit from system
-start up system again in admin mode, callme -admin
Expected output:
- There should be no receivers

5. (Add some receivers)
Test case:
- Add receivers: 80000 A, B, 80001 Smith, Bob, 80002 Smith Bob
Expected output:
- Should add receivers and give message indicating the receivers were added.

6. (Check persistence)
Test case:
- quit out of program, go back in to program
Expected output:
- there should still be 3 receivers

7. (Check receiver number - too short)
Test case:
- add receiver with extension of 8011
Expected output:
- error message, receiver number invalid

8. (Check receiver number - too long)
Test case:
- try to add receiver with extension of 8123459999
Expected output:
- error message, receiver number invalid

9.(Check receiver number - doesn't start with 8)
Test case:
- try to add extension of 51234
Expected output:
- error message, receiver number invalid

10. (Check receiver number -alphabetic)
Test case:
- try to add extension of 8675a
Expected output:
- error message, receiver number invalid

11. (Invalid Name - name has invalid characters)
Test case:
- try to add receiver, phone number 81234
- name of *&^
 Expected output:
- error message-> invalid name

12. (Invalid Name - no name)
Test case:
- try to add receiver, phone number 81234
- hit enter for the first or last name
Expected output:
- error message -> receiver must have a name

13.  (Invalid Name - name too long)
Test case:
- try to add receiver, phone number 81234
- make sure you have more than 50 characters in total for first and last name
Expected output:
- should either truncate name OR give an error message --> Name too long

14.  (Invalid Name - name has numbers in it)
Test case:
- try to add receiver, phone number 812345
-give a last name of abc5
Expected output:
- error message --> last name cannot contain digits

15. (Receiver to be added already exists)
Test case:
- try to add extension 80000
- any name
Expected output:
- error message --> this receiver number is already in use

16. (Clearing out a mailbox that is empty)
Test case:
- try to clear out the mailbox of 80000
Expected output:
- Message saying mailbox already empty (or at least it  should not crash)

17. (Deleting an extension that doesn't exist)
Test case:
- try to delete extension 87777
Expected output:
- Message saying this extension is not in use

18. (Deleting an extension with no messages)
Test case:
- delete extension 80002
- should get a message saying "Are you sure?", say no (to test if prompt is working)
- delete extension 80002 again
- this time say yes, to confirmation prompt
Expected output:
- Message saying "Extension deleted"

19. (Try to re-add that extension)
Test case:
- try to add extension 80002 with name of Bob Smith
Expected output:
- Should see a message saying extension added

20. (Change the password of a new extension)
Test case:
- try to change the password of extension 80002
Expected output:
- Message saying password reset to 1111

21. (Data Persistence)
Test case:
- Quit the program
Expected output:
- We should have extensions 80000, 80001, 80002 in the system

Our notes on their user interface:


I.  Caller mode- Entering the name

1. (Caller name-> empty name)
Test case:
- Run the program -> callme
- Go into caller mode
- when prompt for name, hit enter
Expected output:
- Either a message saying "You must enter a caller name" or it can accept a blank name (since it doesn't say what is too short a name in the specs). IF it forces them to enter a name--> CAN THEY STILL EXIT THE PROGRAM FROM HERE OR DO THEY HAVE TO ENTER SOMETHING? i.e. can they quit out? YES       NO

2. (Caller name --> name too long)
Test case:
- in caller mode -> try to enter a name longer than 50 characters
Expected output:
-Either truncates name or error message saying name too long. if it truncates the name, quit the program and start again

3. (Caller name --> name has weird characters)
Test case:
- in caller mode --> try to enter a name like ab^%$#
Expected output:
- Either accepts name (it doesn't say the caller name cant contain weird characters in spec) OR it gives an error message. if it accepts name, quit the program and start again

4. (Caller name --> valid case)
Test case:
- in caller mode --> type Homer Simpson
Expected output:
- should now let you dial an extension or use names directory

II.  Caller mode- Testing the extension

5. (Names Directory or Extension Test )
Test case:
- after entering homer simpson, try to do something other than entering an extension or names directory (if their system lets you)
- try to type 6
Expected output:
- Error message "You must either type an extension or use the names directory OR it doesn't let you type those keys

6. (Extension - invalid keys)
Test case:
- try to type abce (if system lets you?)
Expected output:
- error message or doesn't let you type those keys

7. (Extension - too short)
Test case:
- try to type 822 (if system lets you, might have to push * or # to indicate end?)
Expected output:
- error message or forces you to keep typing

8. (Extension - too long)
Test case:
- try to type 855555 (if system lets you)
Expected output:
- error message or it might just truncate at 5 digits, that's okay too

9. (Extension - doesn't exist)
Test case:
- try to type extension 80004
Expected output:
- should tell you that that extension doesn't exist

10. (Extension - valid)
Test case:
- try to type extension 80000
Expected output:
- one of 3 things: either pick up, in which case it should wait 10 seconds and go back to caller mode, or say receiver is on the phone, leave a message or ring 5 times leave a message.

III.  Caller mode- Leaving a message

11. (Leaving a message - hang up before message left)
Test case:
- when it prompts you for a message, just hang up (you may have to try dialing 3 or 4 times to make sure you get the message mode)
Expected output:
- either leaves an empty message for receiver or leaves no message for receiver (go into receiver mode to check this, run program in receiver mode for receiver 80000, type password 1111, see what it did.)

12. (Leaving a message - message too long)
Test case:
- get into the program again in caller mode, use the name lisa simpson
- dial extension 80000 (keep dialing until you can leave a message)
- leave a message that is longer than 300 characters
Expected output:
- should truncate message

13. (Leaving a message - message has weird characters)
Test case:
- dial extension 80000 (keep dialing until you can leave a message)
- leave a message of &^%%jsfi9
Expected output:
- should either leave message with those characters or stop you from pressing them

14. (Leaving a message - message all spaces)
Test case:
- dial extension 80000 (keep dialing until you can leave a message)
- leave a message that has 5 spaces
Expected output:
- should leave message

15. (Leaving a message - message of 80001)
Test case:
- dial extension 80000 (keep dialing until you can leave a message)
- leave a message that of 80001
Expected output:
- should leave message

16. (Check to make sure the messages was persistent)
Test case:
- quit program and log on as receiver 80000, password 1111
Expected output:
-- the messages from above in the mailbox and that they are all from lisa simpson with correct date and time

17. (Check message of 80001)
Test case:
- quit program and log on as receiver 80001
Expected output:
- make sure that the message of 80001 didn't screw anything up (This receiver should only have one message, the message to change password)

18. (Leaving a message - filling the mailbox)
Test case:
- log on in caller mode as Bart Simpson
- leave 10 messages for receiver 80001 (because you're in love with him and you are a stalker :-) )
Expected output:
- on the 10 message, you should get a message that the mailbox is full (9 from you and 1 about password)
QUESTION: Did it seem to randomly either ring 5 time, answer  or be on the phone?   YES   or   NO (circle one)

QUESTION: Could the caller quit (hang up) at any time during call mode?  YES   or    NO  (circle one)

19. (Data Persistence- Part 1)
Test case:
- quit the program, log in again in caller mode as Maggie Simpson
- try to leave a message for 80001
Expected output:
- you should get a message that the mailbox is full

20. (Data Persistence- Part 2)
Test case:
- quit the program, log in again in receiver mode as 80001, password 1111
- check your messages
Expected output:
- a warning that the mailbox is full
- you should have 10 messages and not the last 2 that you tried to leave.

21. (Leaving a message - Messages to be check by receiver)
Test case:
- log on in caller mode as Ned Flanders
- leave 5 messages for receiver 80002 (Message text should be: First Message, Second Message, Third Message, Fourth Message and "This is a really really long message to test to see how a long message would work out, so lets make this a really really long message. It has to be at least 300 characters to test this part, I hope I can think of enough stuff to type to get 300 characters but I am running out of material, oh well maybe this will be 300" (or some really long message)
Expected output:
- receiver 80003 has 5 messages from Ned Flanders

22. (Leaving a message - Messages to be check by receiver)
Test case:
- log on in caller mode as Monty Burns
- leave 2 messages for receiver 80002 (Message text should be: Sixth  Message and Seventh Message
Expected output:
- receiver 80003 has 7 messages, 5 from ned and 2 from monty

Our notes on their user interface:


I.  Receiver Mode- Testing the password and logging on

1. (Logging On - password too long)
Test case:
- log on as receiver 80000
- type a password of 1111111111111
Expected output:
- should not let you type that many characters or give you a message of "Invalid Password"

2. (Logging On - Weird characters)
Test case:
- try to type a password of 1$!!
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message

3. (Logging On- Password to short)
Test case:
- try hitting 1#
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message (this should be 3rd reject so it should boot you out)

4. (Logging On - invalid password)
Test case:
- log on as receiver 80000
- type a password of 2222
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message

5. (Logging On - Valid password)
Test case:
- type a password of 1111
Expected output:
- should allow the receiver in and ask them to change the date (don't change date)

6. (Changing Password - Empty)
Test case
- pick option to change password
- hit #
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message (should NOT allow password to be enter)

7. (Changing Password - Weird Characters)
Test case
- pick option to change password
- type 8^%$#
Expected output:
- should reject or accept with informative message

8. (Changing Password - Too Short)
Test case:
- pick option to change password
- type 4
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message saying too short

9. (Changing Password - Too Long)
Test case:
- pick option to change password
- type 99999999999999999#
Expected output:
- should reject with informative message

10. (Changing Password - Valid case)
Test case:
- pick option to change password
- type 55555#
- should prompt them to enter it again  YES or NO (circle one)
type 66666#
Expected output:
- should reject-

11. (Changing Password - Valid Case)
Test case:
- pick option to change password
- type 55555#
- type 55555#
Expected output:
- should accept password

12. (Check new password)
Test case:
- quit out of program
- log in again as receiver 80000
- enter password of 1111
- should reject, then try 55555
Expected output:
- should allow you to log on


II.  Receiver Mode- Checking Messages

13. (Checking Messages)
Test case:
- log on as 80002, password 1111
- go to check messages in the inbox (this should be you pressing the 1 key)
Expected output:
- there should be 8 messages, all should be unheard and new. There may be scrolling at this point, that is okay (see faq's Q4)

14. (Checking messages)
Test case:
- if you can, select the second messages (it might force you to read the first message first, that is okay because that is how the phone system works, or it might make use  # to skip the first message)
Expected output:
- you should see a message with the body of "Second Message"

15. (Checking messages - 5 key - Message Info)
Test case:
- press the 5 key
Expected output:
- should see the caller as ned flanders, the date as today's date

15. (Checking messages - 5 key - Message Info)
Test case:
- select the 6 message
- press the 5 key
Expected output:
- should see the caller as monty burns, the date as today's date

16. (Checking messages - heard option)
Test case:
- look at the message list again, now message 2  and message 6 should be indicated as heard
- try to view message 6 again
Expected output:
-should allow it to be viewed again

17. (Checking messages - saving message)
Test case:
- try to save the second message (9 key) (it should allow you to do this while you are VIEWING the message (see the faqs - q 14)
Expected output:
- should tell you the message was saved

18. (Checking messages - saved message)
Test case
- go into the save mailbox (This should occur by pressing 3)
- press 5 to see info
Expected output:
- there should be one message now - make sure it has the saved date.

19. (Checking messages - moving around)
Test case:
- go to inbox
- open message 5
- type 1 to move to the beginning of it
- type 3 to move to the end of it
Expected output:
- both of these keys probably wont do anything because I didn't make the message length (300) long enough to force scrolling but the program should not crash

III.  Receiver Mode- Deleting messages

20. (Deleting a message)
Test case:
- go to the inbox
- select message 1 (should say First Message)
say no
- try to delete it again
- say yes
Expected output:
- should give message that this message was deleted

21. (Quitting)
Test case:
- delete the password notification message from the admin user
- quit the program
Expected output:
- should say there are a total of 6 messages, 5 are new (it might say 1 is saved, 2 are heard and 3 are unheard but that is not required by the specs)

22. (Data Persistence)
Test case:
- log back on again as 80002, password 1111
- list messages, pick 1 to see new and unheard (3 messages)
- pick 2 to see new and heard (2 messages)
- pick 3 to see saved messages (1 message)
Expected output:
- should see 1 is saved, 2 are heard and 3 are unheard


IV.  Receiver Mode- Saving Messages

23. (Saved Messages)
Test case:
- save 2 more of the unheard new messages
Expected output:
- now should have 3 saved messages

24. (Saved Messages - Checking the date - Invalid Date)
Test case:
- Log out, Log back on as 80002, password 1111
- When prompted for the date (or choose the date)
- type bad characters
Expected output:
-error message saying invalid date, reprompts or sets to today's date

25. (checking the date - Date in the past)
Test case:
- For 80002, try to set the date in the past
Expected output:
- error message saying invalid, the date must be in the future

26. (checking the date - Invalid date in the future)
Test case:
- For 80002, try to set the date to Feb 30, 2004 (02/30/2004)
Expected output:
- error message saying invalid date

27. (checking the date - Valid date)
Test case:
- For 80002, try to set the date to March 27, 2003
- Log out
- Log back in as 80002
Expected output:
- nothing should happen (this date is only 3 or 4 days in the future)

28. (checking the saved message)
Test case:
- For 80002, try to set the date to April 10, 2003
- Log out
- Log back in as 80002
Expected output:
- should warn you that the 3 messages are old, and force you to save them, SAVE ONLY 1 OF THEM THEN QUIT AGAIN

29. (checking the saved messages)
Test case:
- Log on as 80002
- For 80002, try to set the date to April 11, 2003
Expected output:
- should warn you that the 2 messages are old, and force you to save them, resave both of them

30. (checking the date - check info and delete a saved message)
Test case:
- Log on as 80002
-leave as today's date
- select one of the saved messages
- pick 5 to see the info - make sure that the info is correct, especially the date, should be April 10 or 11
- pick 7 to delete it
Expected output:
- should delete one of the messages

31. (clearing the mailbox - saved mailbox)
Test case:
- Log on as 80002
-leave as today's date
- go to saved mailbox, there should be 2 messages
- clear the mailbox
- log out
- log back in as 80002
Expected output:
- should be no messages in the save mailbox

32. (clearing the mailbox - saved inbox)
Test case:
- clear the inbox
- log out
- log back in as 80002
Expected output:
- should be no messages in either mailbox

Our notes on their user interface:



I.  Admin Mode- Miscellaneous

1. (Admin - Resetting the password
Test case:
- log on in admin mode
- reset the password for user 80000
- log off
- log back on as 80000, should be a password of 1111 now
Expected output:
- password should have changed AND there should be a message saying that the password was changed

2. (Admin - Clearing mailboxes - already empty)
Test case:
- log on in admin mode
- clear out the mail box of 80002
Expected output:
- this mailbox was already empty, just make sure it didn't cause an error or crash

3.  (Admin - Clearing mailboxes- only message in the inbox)
Test case:
- log on in admin mode
- clear out the mail box of 80000
- log back on as 80000, password 1111
Expected output:
- make sure there are no messages in the mailboxes

4. (Admin - reset the password on a mailbox with 10 messages in the inbox)
Test case:
- log on as admin
- reset the password for receiver 80001
- log on as receiver 80001
Expected output:
- should have an inbox with 11 messages

5. (Admin - reset the password on a mailbox with 11 messages in the inbox)
Test case:
- log on as admin
- reset the password for receiver 80001
- log on as receiver 80001
Expected output:
- should have an inbox with 11 messages, SHOULD NOT CRASH, SHOULD NOT HAVE 12 MESSAGES

6. (Filling the Save box up a bit and data persistence)
Test case
- log on as receiver 80001, password 1111
- save all the messages in the inbox
- log on in caller mode, name Patty
- leave 10 more messages for 80001
- log off
- go into receiver  mode as 80001, 1111
- save those 10 messages
- quit
- log back in as 80001, 1111
Expected output:
- there should be 21 messages in the save box, should not crash

7. (Deleting saved messages and data persistence)
Test case
- delete the first 2 messages and the last 2 messages
- quit the program
- log on in admin mode
- reset the password for 80001
- log off
- log on in receiver mode as 80001, password 1111
Expected output:
- there should be 1 New Unheard message and 17 saved messages

8. (Admin mode - deleting a receiver with messages)
Test case:
- log in as admin
- delete receiver 80001
- log off|
- log on as 80001, password 1111
Expected output:
- should not be able to log on as 80001 since it no longer exists

Our notes on their interface



1. (Name entered by administrator)
Test case:
- log on in caller mode, use any caller name
- type 4 for names directory
- press 2
- should see receiver 80000, A, B
- reject this caller
- press 4 again for names directory
- press 7 for S
- should see receiver 80002, Smith, Bob
- leave a message
- quit
- log on in receiver mode for 80002, password 1111
Expected output:
- should see a new unheard message for 80002

2. (Name with weird characters)
Test case:
- log on in caller mode
- type 4 for names directory
- try to type a- yh& (Make sure you type a hyphen and a space)
Expected output:
- Error message OR doesn't accept these characters

3.  (Name with 0, #, * or 1 keys)
Test case:
- In caller mode, type 4 to get into names directory
- try typing the 0 # * or 1 keys
Expected output:
- make sure that it doesn't accept these keys (unless they are used to indicate the end of the name but REALLY THEY SHOULDN'T NEED THAT!)

4. (Bulkload a names file to test this feature - blNamesDirectoryTest.txt)
Test case:
- log on as admin
- bulk load the file BLNamesDirectoryTest.txt

80000 Reid,Laura
89999 T,A
80001 P,A
88888 PA,AA
87777 RB,BB
86666 QC,CA
85555 SA,ABCC
83333 Reid,Laura
82222 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,w
81111 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxx
81023 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmm
81088 Kc Donald,Ronald
81099 ka-There,Katie

- log off
-log on as a caller, any name
- type 4 for the names directory
- type 8
Expected output:
- should see t,a ext 899993.

5.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- In caller mode, type 4 to get into names directory
- type 72 - should see P,A 80001
- reject
- type another 2 and another 2 - should see: PA,AA 88888, RB,BB 87777, QC,CA 86666
- pick PA,AA, leave a message
Expected output:
- should say that a message was left for the extension 88888

6.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- In caller mode, type 4 to get into names directory
- type 72 - should see P,A 80001 (reject if option given)
- keep typing
- type another 2 and another 2 - should see: PA,AA 88888, RB,BB 87777, QC,CA 86666
- keep typing
- type another 2 and another 2 - should see
SA,ABCC (reject)
- type another 2 - should see 84444 SA,BBBBBBBBBB
-reject, stay in caller mode
Expected output:
-should let you stay in caller mode

7.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- type 4  (if necessary) to get into names directory
- type 5
- keep typing
- type 9 49 times
Expected output:
- should see wwwww....,w and xxxx...,x, just reject (dont need to leave message)

8.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- type 4  (if necessary) to get into names directory
- type 6 once
Expected output:
- should see mmm...., just reject

9.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- type 4 (if necessary) to get into names directory
- type 5, then 2 then 3
Expected output:
- should see 81088 Kc Donald,Ronald just reject

10.  (Name Tests)
Test case:
- type 4 (if necessary) to get into names directory
- type 5, then 2 then 8
Expected output:
- should see 81099 ka-There,Katie just reject

11.  (Name Tests- Check left message)
Test case:
- Log out
- Log in as receiver 88888 password 1111
Expected output:
- make sure that there is one message there

Our notes on their user interface:





Start up in admin mode, try to do bulk load

1. (invalid extension: starts with blank- bl1.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
 83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 3

2. (invalid extension: starts with 4- bl2.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
43333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 3

3. (invalid extension: too long- bl3.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
83333 Bad, Case
844444444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 4

4. (invalid extension: too short- bl4.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 4

5. (invalid extension: not numbers- bl5.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
83333 Bad, Case
83abc Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 4

6. (invalid extension: 2 spaces- b6.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444  Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 4

7. (invalid extension: no space- bl7.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Smith, Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 4

8. (invalid last name - no name - bl8.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 ,Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

9. (invalid last name - starts with hyphen - bl9.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 -smith,Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

10. (invalid last name - contains weird characters - b10.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 smith[mmm,Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

11. (invalid last name - last name too long- b11.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,Bob
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

12. (valid last name - last name 49 characters- b12.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw,B
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:

13. (valid last name - name contains spaces and hyphens- b13.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid, Laura
82222 Mc Don-ald, Ronald
83333 Bad, Case
84444 Jones, Bill
85555 Jones, Sue

Expected output:

14. (invalid first name - no first name b14.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 McDonald,
83333 Bad,Case
84444 Jones,Bill
85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

15 (invalid first name - first name starts with hyphen - b15.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 McDonald,-abc
83333 Bad,Case
84444 Jones Bill
85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

16 (invalid first name - first name too long - b16.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 McDonald,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
83333 Bad,Case
84444 Jones Bill
85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2

17 (valid first name - just the right length - b17.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 a,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
83333 Bad,Case
84444 Jones Bill
85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:

18 (invalid first name - one too long - b18.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 a,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
83333 Bad,Case
84444 Jones Bill
85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 2!

19 (duplicate extension - b19.txt)
Test case:

81111 Reid,Laura
82222 Bob,smith
83333 Bad,Case
81111 Jones Bill
81111 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 3!

20 (duplicate extension - bl20.txt)
Test case:

84444 Reid,Laura
82222 Bob,smith
83333 Bad,Case

85555 Jones,Sue

Expected output:
- Doesn't load - Error on line 3 or line 4

21 (1000 entries - bl21.txt)
Test case:

80001 Hkwujz,Phuatvsb
80002 J,Yntbpmhqq
80003 Vxf,Vpz
80004 Ncuhbhjhyz,Gczraoc
80005 Eiq,Eqkks
80006 Cg,Plx
80007 Xvao,Hqqlcosx

Expected output:
- Should load


Our notes on their user interface:

Quitting at various points:


1. (Quitting from  caller mode)
Test case:
- log in as a caller, any name, leave a message for ext 80001
- use the names directory, try to quit while typing in a name
Expected output:
- program should allow caller to quit

2. (Quitting from receiver mode)
Test case:
- log in receiver mode, 80001, password 1111
- try to quit the program hang up in the middle of checking the message
Expected output:
- program should allow receiver to quit

3. (Elbow test)
Test case:
- Place elbow on keyboard, roll around
- bash lightly on keyboard
Expected output:
- Should not crash!

Our notes on their user interface:


  1. Is there a help facility? (YES/NO; describe briefly if yes)
  2. Did they use numbers in their menus?
  3. If text interface, can arguments be given on the same line as command? 
  4. When being prompted or asked for data, can user escape/cancel easily?
  5. Are error messages generally informative?
  6. Are the messages displayed and cleared off to quickly?
  7. Is there an excessive amount of typing required by the user?
  8. Are reals displayed to 2 decimal points
  9. Are their confirmation messages on deletes and password changes
  10. When you delete an area/topic that still has something in it do you get a confirmation message?
  11. Rate the layout of the displays and windows (excellent, good, fair, poor)
  12. Rate the interface overall (excellent, good, fair, poor)


Usability: marked out of 20

Marks deducted:
- 1-3 for uninformative error messages
- 5 for numeric commands
- 3 for not being able to put parameters on the command line
- 3 for not being able to escape prompts
- 3 for too many prompts for individual commands
- 2 of illogical navigation
- 1 for each other individual error

Functionality: marked out of 80

Marks deducted:
- 1 for each test case that failed
- 5 for data structures being corrupted
- 10 for the first crash (e.g. exception causing program termination, not being able to restart program, etc.)
- 10 for non persistent data
- 5 for each requirement not being implemented or implemented incorrectly
- 5 for each subsequent distinct crash
- 5 for each endless loops (have to control c out of)
- 1 if executable name not callme
- 1 if not starting up empty.

Total: 100


(here is the file we will use clean out the system the first time):

80000 Delete, Me


CS212 - Spring 2003

Acceptance Testing


Group Number: ______________ Retested:  YES/NO

Functionality: _______ (out of 80)

Our Notes:






User Interface: ______ (out of 20)

Our Notes:




TOTAL MARK: ________ (out of 100)