
$ (1)$
For the input $ a$ and $ b$ , we define $ c(a, b) = n_a + n_b$ . Observe that after in each recursive call, this quantity deceases strictly. So, it is enough to prove the algorithm by induction on $ c(a, b)$ , which is easy.
$ (2)$
Two observations Therefore, the algorithm runs in $ O(n_a + n_b)$ operations in $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ and in $ O((n_a + n_b)^2)$ word operations.
$ (3)$
Algorithm in $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}/2{\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}[x]$ :

$ {\gcd}(a,b)$

1 if $ a = b$ then return $ a$
2 if $ a(0)=0$ and $ b(0)=0$ then return $ x \ {\gcd}(a/x, b/x)$
3 if $ a(0)=0$ and $ b(0)=1$ then return $ {\gcd}(a/x, b)$
3 if $ a(0)=1$ and $ b(0)=0$ then return $ {\gcd}(a, b/x)$
4 if $ {\deg} a > {\deg} b$ then return $ {\gcd}((a-b)/x,b)$ else return $ {\gcd}((b-a)/x,a)$

Marc Moreno Maza