Linear Diophantine Equations

Definition 1   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. A linear Diophantine equation over $ R$ is an equation of the form

$\displaystyle f_1 s_1 + \cdots + f_n s_n = a$ (1)

where $ f_1, \ldots, f_n, a$ are given in $ R$ and where $ s_1, \ldots, s_n$ are unknowns in $ R$ .

Theorem 1   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain and let $ f,g,h, a \in R$ such that $ h = {\gcd}(f,g)$ . We consider the linear Diophantine equation

$\displaystyle s f + t g = a.$ (2)

Then the following hold
$ (i)$
Equation (2) has a solution if and only if $ h$ divides $ a$ .
$ (ii)$
If $ h \neq 0$ and if $ (s_0, t_0) \in R^2$ is a solution of Equation (2) then every other solution is of the form

$\displaystyle (s_0 + r \frac{g}{h}, t_0 - r \frac{f}{h}) \ \ {\rm where} \ \ r \in R.$ (3)

$ (iii)$
If $ R = F[x]$ where $ F$ is a field, $ h \neq 0$ , and if Equation (2) is solvable, and if we have

$\displaystyle {\deg} f + {\deg} g - {\deg} h > {\deg} a$ (4)

then there is a unique solution $ (s_0, t_0) \in R^2$ of Equation (2) such that

$\displaystyle {\deg} s_0 < {\deg} g - {\deg} h \ \ {\rm and} \ \ {\deg} t_0 < {\deg} f - {\deg} h.$ (5)

Proof. First we prove $ (i)$ . If $ (s_0, t_0) \in R^2$ is a solution of Equation (2), then $ h$ which divides $ s_0 f + t_0 g$ , divides also $ a$ . Conversly, we assume that $ h = {\gcd}(f,g)$ divides $ a$ . The claim is trivial if $ h = 0$ . (Indeed, this implies $ f = g = 0$ and also $ a = 0$ .) Otherwise, let $ (s_0, t_0) \in R^2$ be computed by the Extended Euclidean Algorithm applied to $ (f, g)$ , such that we have $ s_0 f + t_0 g = h$ . Then $ (s, t) = (s_0 a / h, t_0 a / h)$ is a solution of Equation (2).

Now we prove $ (ii)$ . Assume $ h \neq 0$ and let $ (s_0, t_0) \in R^2$ is a solution of Equation (2). Since $ h \neq 0$ , then $ f / h$ and $ g / h$ are coprime. Let $ (s, t)$ be in $ R^2$ . Then we have

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} s f + t g = a & \iff & (s - s_0) f + (t - ...
... + r (g / h) \ \ {\rm and} \ \ t = t_0 - r (f / h). \end{array}\end{displaymath}    

Finally, we prove $ (iii)$ . Let $ (s_1, t_1) \in R^2$ be a solution of Equation (2). Let $ q$ and $ t_0$ be the quotient and the remainder of $ t_1$ w.r.t. $ f / h$ . Hence we have

$\displaystyle t_1 = f/h q + t_0 \ \ {\rm and} \ \ {\deg} t_0 < {\deg} f - {\deg} h.$ (6)

We define

$\displaystyle s_0 = s_1 + q g / h.$ (7)

Observe that

$\displaystyle (s_0, t_0) = (s_1, t_1) + q (g /h, - f /h)$    

solves Equation (2) too. By Relation (6) and by hypothesis we have

$\displaystyle {\deg} (t_0 g) < {\deg} f + {\deg} g - {\deg} h \ \ {\rm and} \ \ {\deg} a < {\deg} f + {\deg} g - {\deg} h$    

leading to

$\displaystyle {\deg} s_0 + {\deg} f = {\deg} s_0 f = {\deg} (a - t_0 g) < {\deg} f + {\deg} g - {\deg} h.$    

Therefore we have

$\displaystyle {\deg} t_0 < {\deg} f - {\deg} h \ \ {\rm and} \ \ {\deg} s_0 < {\deg} g - {\deg} h.$    

This proves the existence. Let us prove the unicity. Let $ (s, t)$ be a solution of Equation (2). We know that there exists $ r \in R$ such that $ s = s_0 + r g / h$ . Since $ {\deg} s_0 < {\deg} g - {\deg} h$ holds, if $ r \neq 0$ , we have

$\displaystyle {\deg} s \geq {\deg} (g / h) = {\deg} g - {\deg} h.$    

This implies the uniquemess. $ \qedsymbol$

Theorem 2   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element and let $ p \in R$ . ...

Marc Moreno Maza