Quadratic Hensel Lifting

Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. Let $ f,g,h$ be univariate polynomials in $ R[x]$ and let $ m \in R$ . We assume that the following relation holds

$\displaystyle f \ \equiv \ g \, h \ \mod{ m}$ (26)

We aim to lift this factorization modulo $ m$ into a factorization modulo $ m^2$ . Hence we want to compute $ \widehat{g}$ and $ \widehat{h}$ such that

$\displaystyle f \ \equiv \ \widehat{g} \, \widehat{h} \ \mod{ m^2}$ (27)

We will refer to this problem as the factorization lifting problem. To do so we will assume that we are given two polynomials $ s$ and $ t$ such that

$\displaystyle s g + t h \ \equiv \ 1 \ \mod{ m}$ (28)

Hence we will say that $ g$ and $ h$ are coprime modulo $ m$ . When $ R/m$ is a field then we can compute $ s$ and $ t$ by applying the Extended Euclidean Algorithm in $ R[x]/m$ .

Proposition 1   A solution to the factorization lifting problem of Equation 27 is given by

$\displaystyle \widehat{g} \ = \ g + t \, e \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \widehat{h} \ = \ h + s \, e \ \ {\rm where} \ \ e \ = \ f - g \, h$ (29)

Proof. We have the following relations.

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcll} f - \widehat{g} \widehat{h} & = & f - (g ...
... \, g + t \, h) \, e - s \, t\, e^2 & \mod{ m^2} \\ \end{array}\end{displaymath} (30)

By hypothesis

$\displaystyle e \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{m} \ \ \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ \ \ (1 - s \, g + t \, h) \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{m}$ (31)

Hence both $ (1 - s \, g + t \, h) \, e$ and $ e^2 $ are mutiple of $ m^2$ . It follows that

$\displaystyle f - \widehat{g} \widehat{h} \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{m^2}$ (32)

$ \qedsymbol$

Remark 2   Observe that Proposition 1 works also if $ f,g,h$ are constants of $ R$ . In other words, $ f,g,h$ do not need to be polynomials! The factorization lifting problem and its solution by Proposition 1 are valid in any commutative ring with identity element. But for this solution to be an algorithm one needs to be able to compute the Bézout coefficients $ s$ and $ t$ .

Example 1   Consider $ f = x^4 - 1$ , $ g = x -2$ , $ h = x^3 + 2\, x^2 - x - 2$ and $ m = 5$ . We have the following computation in AXIOM
N := NonNegativeInteger

   (1)  NonNegativeInteger
                                            Type: Domain

Z := Integer

   (2)  Integer
                                              Type: Domain

U := UnivariatePolynomial(x,Z)

   (3)  UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)
                                              Type: Domain

m: Z := 5

   (4)  5
                                             Type: Integer

f: U := x^4 - 1

   (5)  x  - 1
                      Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

g: U := x - 2

   (6)  x - 2
                      Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

h: U := x^3 + 2 *x^2 -x -2

         3     2
   (7)  x  + 2x  - x - 2
                      Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

e := f - g*h

   (8)  5x  - 5
                      Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

K5 := PrimeField(5)

   (9)  PrimeField 
                                               Type: Domain

U5 := UnivariatePolynomial(x,K5)

   (10)  UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)
                                                Type: Domain

f5: U5 := f :: U5

   (11)  x  + 4
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

g5: U5 := g :: U5

   (12)  x + 3
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

h5: U5 := h ::U5

          3     2
   (13)  x  + 2x  + 4x + 3
                    Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

res := extendedEuclidean(g5,h5)

   (14)  [coef1= 2x  + 3x + 4,coef2= 3,generator= 1]

s5: U5 := res.coef1

   (15)  2x  + 3x + 4
                    Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

t5: U5 := res.coef2

   (16)  3
                    Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

g_^ := g + t5 :: U * e

   (17)  15x  + x - 17
                         Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

h_^ := h + s5 :: U * e

            4      3      2
   (18)  10x  + 16x  + 12x  - 16x - 22
                         Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

factor(f -  g_^  * h_^ )

                              4      3     2
   (19)  - 25(x - 1)(x + 1)(6x  + 10x  + 7x  - 10x - 15)
                Type: Factored UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

Remark 3   We see with Example 1 that the degrees of $ \widehat{g}$ and $ \widehat{h}$ are higher that those of $ g$ and $ h$ . In particular

$\displaystyle {\deg} \, \widehat{g} + {\deg} \, \widehat{h }\ > \ {\deg} \, f$ (33)

which may not look satisfactory! To overcome this problem we need to use division with remainder in $ R[x]$ . We will take advantage of the following.

Proposition 2   Let $ a$ and $ b$ be in $ R[x]$ such that $ b$ is monic. Let $ q$ and $ r$ be the quotient and the remainder of $ a$ w.r.t. $ b$ . Let $ m$ be in $ R$ . If $ a \equiv 0 \mod{m}$ then

$\displaystyle q \equiv 0 \mod{m} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ r \equiv 0 \mod{m}$ (34)

also hold.

Proof. There exists $ a^{\ast} \in R[x]$ such that $ a = m \, a^{\ast}$ . Let $ q^{\ast}$ and $ r^{\ast}$ be the quotient and the remainder of $ a^{\ast}$ w.r.t. $ b$ . Then we have

$\displaystyle a^{\ast} \ = \ q^{\ast} \, b + r^{\ast} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ {\deg} \, r^{\ast} \ < \ {\deg} \, b$ (35)

Hence we have

$\displaystyle a \ = \ m \, q^{\ast} \, b + m \, r^{\ast} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ {\deg} \, (m \, r^{\ast}) \ < \ {\deg} \, b$ (36)

Since the quotient and the remainder of $ a$ w.r.t. $ b$ are unique we have

$\displaystyle q \ = \ m \, q^{\ast} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ r \ = \ m \, r^{\ast}$ (37)

$ \qedsymbol$

Definition 2   Let $ f,g,h,s,t$ be polynomials in $ R[x]$ and let $ m \in R$ . We say that $ (f,g,h,s,t)$ is a liftable quintet modulo $ m$ if the following conditions hold

Algorithm 1  

\begin{minipage}{12 cm}
\item[{\bf Input:}] $f,g,h,s,...
...rn} $(g^{\ast}, h^{\ast}, s^{\ast}, t^{\ast})$\ \\

Theorem 5   Algorithm 1 works correctly. Let $ n = {\deg} \, f$ . If $ R = {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ and all input polynomials have max-norm less than $ m^2$ then it requires $ {\cal O}({\bf M}(n) \, {\bf M}({\log} \, m))$ word operations.

Proof. We shall prove the following claims about $ g^{\ast}$ and $ h^{\ast}$ :
  1. $ f - g^{\ast} \, h^{\ast} \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{ m^2 }$ ,
  2. $ g^{\ast} \ \equiv \ g \ \mod{ m }$ ,
  3. $ h^{\ast} \ \equiv \ h\ \mod{ m }$ ,
  4. $ h^{\ast}$ monic and of the same degree as $ h$ ,
  5. $ g^{\ast}$ of the same degree as $ g$ .
We calculate modulo $ m^2$ :

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} f - g^{\ast} \, h^{\ast} & \equiv & f - (g...
... sg - th)(f - gh) -ste^2 + qe (th + sg) + gh q^2 \\ \end{array}\end{displaymath} (38)

By assumption we have Moreover

$\displaystyle e \ \equiv 0 \ \mod{ m } \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ se \equiv qh + r \ \mod{ m^2 }$ (39)

by Proposition 2 imply

$\displaystyle q \ \equiv 0 \ \mod{ m }$ (40)

This leads to

$\displaystyle f - g^{\ast} \, h^{\ast} \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{ m^2 }.$ (41)

Now the relation defining $ g^{\ast}$

$\displaystyle g^{\ast} \ = \ (q + t \, e + q \, g) \ \mod{ m^2}$ (42)

together with $ e \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{ m }$ and $ q \ \equiv \ 0 \ \mod{ m }$ imply

$\displaystyle g^{\ast} \ \equiv \ g \ \mod{ m }$ (43)

Similarly we have

$\displaystyle h^{\ast} \ \equiv \ h\ \mod{ m }$ (44)

Now observe that by definition of $ r$ we have

$\displaystyle {\deg}\, r \ < \ {\deg}\, h$ (45)

Then since

$\displaystyle h^{\ast} \ = \ (h + r) \ \mod{ m^2}$ (46)

we obtain

$\displaystyle h \ {\rm monic} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ {\deg}\, h \ = \ {\deg}\, h^{\ast}$ (47)

These last relations together with

$\displaystyle f \ \equiv \ g^{\ast} \, h^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^2 }$ (48)


\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} {\deg}\, g^{\ast} & = & {\deg}\, f - {\deg...
...\ & = & {\deg}\, f - {\deg}\, h \\ & = & {\deg}\, g \end{array}\end{displaymath} (49)

This concludes this proof. We refer to Theorem 15.11 in [GG99] for the other claims of the theorem. $ \qedsymbol$

Example 2   Consider $ f = x^4 - 1$ , $ g = x -2$ , $ h = x^3 + 2\, x^2 - x - 2$ and $ m = 5$ . Using Proposition 1 we computed

$\displaystyle \widehat{g} \ = \ 15x^2 + x - 17 \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ \widehat{h} \ = \ 10x^4 + 16x^3 + 12x^2 - 16x - 22$ (50)

Now using the improved formula of Algorithm 1 we have the following AXIOM session
N := NonNegativeInteger

   (1)  NonNegativeInteger
                                            Type: Domain

Z := Integer

   (2)  Integer
                                            Type: Domain

U := UnivariatePolynomial(x,Z)

   (3)  UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)
                                            Type: Domain

m: Z := 5

   (4)  5
                                           Type: Integer

f: U := x^4 - 1

   (5)  x  - 1
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

g: U := x - 2

   (6)  x - 2
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

h: U := x^3 + 2 *x^2 -x -2

         3     2
   (7)  x  + 2x  - x - 2
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

e := f - g*h

   (8)  5x  - 5
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

K5 := PrimeField(5)

   (9)  PrimeField 5
                                            Type: Domain

U5 := UnivariatePolynomial(x,K5)

   (10)  UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)
                                            Type: Domain

f5: U5 := f :: U5

   (11)  x  + 4
              Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

g5: U5 := g :: U5

   (12)  x + 3
              Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

h5: U5 := h ::U5

          3     2
   (13)  x  + 2x  + 4x + 3
              Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

res := extendedEuclidean(g5,h5)

   (14)  [coef1= 2x  + 3x + 4,coef2= 3,generator= 1]
Type: Record(coef1: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5),
coef2: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5),
generator: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5))

s5: U5 := res.coef1

   (15)  2x  + 3x + 4
              Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

s: U := s5 :: U

   (16)  2x  + 3x + 4
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

t5: U5 := res.coef2

   (17)  3
              Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,PrimeField 5)

t: U := t5 :: U

   (18)  3
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

R25 := IntegerMod(25)

   (19)  IntegerMod 25
                                            Type: Domain

U25 := UnivariatePolynomial(x,R25)

   (20)  UnivariatePolynomial(x,IntegerMod 25)
                                            Type: Domain

e25 := f::U25 - g::U25 * h::U25

   (21)  5x  + 20
             Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,IntegerMod 25)

e : U := e25 :: U

   (22)  5x  + 20
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

res := monicDivide(s*e, h)

   (23)  [quotient= 10x - 5,remainder= 80x  + 75x + 70]
Type: Record(quotient: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer),
             remainder: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer))

q25: U25 := res.quotient :: U25

   (24)  10x + 20
             Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,IntegerMod 25)

r25: U25 := res.remainder :: U25

   (25)  5x  + 20
             Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,IntegerMod 25)

g_* := (g::U25 + t::U25 * e25 + q25 * (g::U25)) :: U

   (26)  x + 18
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

h_* := (h::U25 + r25) :: U

          3     2
   (27)  x  + 7x  + 24x + 18
                   Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer)

(f - g_* * h_*) :: U25

   (28)  0
             Type: UnivariatePolynomial(x,IntegerMod 25)

Theorem 6   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element, an element $ m \in R$ which is not a zero divisor, an integer $ {\ell} \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ and nonzero univariate polynomials $ g, h, g^{\ast}, h^{\ast}, s, t \in R[x]$ such that
  1. $ s g + t h \ {\equiv} \ 1 \ \mod{ m}$
  2. the leading coefficients of $ g$ and $ h$ are not zero divisors modulo $ m$
  3. the polynomials $ g$ and $ g^{\ast}$ have the same leading coefficients, the same degree and coincide modulo $ m$
  4. the polynomials $ h$ and $ h^{\ast}$ have the same leading coefficients, the same degree and coincide modulo $ m$
  5. $ g h \ \equiv \ g^{\ast} h^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^{\ell}}$
Then we have

$\displaystyle g \ {\equiv} \ g^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^{\ell}} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ h \ {\equiv} \ h^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^{\ell}}$ (51)

Proof. We assume to the contrary that

$\displaystyle g \ {\not\equiv} \ g^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^{\ell}} \ \ \ \ {\rm or} \ \ \ \ h \ {\not\equiv} \ h^{\ast} \ \mod{ m^{\ell}}$ (52)

Let $ 1 \leq i < {\ell}$ be maximal such that $ m^i$ both divides $ g^{\ast} - g$ and $ h^{\ast} - h$ . Thus there exist polynomials $ u, v \in R[x]$ such that

$\displaystyle g^{\ast} - g \ = \ u \, m^i \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ h^{\ast} - h \ = \ v \, m^i$ (53)

and also $ m$ does not divide $ u$ or $ v$ . We may assume that $ m$ does not divide $ u$ . Now we have

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} 0 & {\equiv} & g^{\ast} h^{\ast} - g h \mo...
...st} - g) \\ & = & g^{\ast} v \, m^i + h u \, m^i \\ \end{array}\end{displaymath} (54)

This means that $ m^{\ell}$ divides $ g^{\ast} v \, m^i + h u \, m^i$ . In other words there exist $ w \in R[x]$ such that

$\displaystyle (g^{\ast} v + h u) m^i \ = \ m^{\ell} \, w$ (55)

Since $ m$ is not a zero divisor in $ R$ we have

$\displaystyle (g^{\ast} v + h u) \ = \ m^{{\ell}-i} \, w$ (56)

which implies

$\displaystyle g^{\ast} v + h u \ {\equiv} \ 0 \mod{ m}$ (57)

Recall also that we have

$\displaystyle t h \ {\equiv} \ 1 - s g \mod{ m}$ (58)


$\displaystyle g^{\ast} \ {\equiv} \ g \mod{ m} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ h^{\ast} \ {\equiv} \ h \mod{ m}$ (59)

Therefore we obtain the following calculation modulo $ m$

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} 0 & {\equiv} & t (g^{\ast} v + h u ) \\ & ...
...} v + (1 - s g) u \\ & {\equiv} & (t v - s u) g + u \end{array}\end{displaymath} (60)

This shows that $ g$ divides $ u$ modulo $ m$ . However from $ g^{\ast} - g \ = \ u \, m^i$ together with the facts that $ g^{\ast}$ and $ g$ have same leading coefficient and degree shows that

$\displaystyle {\deg} \, u \ < \ {\deg} \, g$ (61)

Since the leading coefficient of $ g$ is not a zero divisor modulo $ m$ we must have

$\displaystyle u \ {\equiv} \ 0 \mod{ m}$ (62)

A contradiction. Therefore the theorem is proved. $ \qedsymbol$

Marc Moreno Maza