Challenges and Achievements

The main challenges of symbolic/exact computations:

We iluustrate below the gap between naive and optimized implementations of the same algorithm.

Figure: Polynomial addition over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}/p{\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}$ .

Figure: Polynomial multiplication over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}/p{\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}$ .

Next, we show benchmarks between classical and FFT-based univariate polynomial multiplication.

Figure: FFT-based univariate polynomial multiplication over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}/p{\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}$

Figure: Classical vs FFT-based univariate polynomial multiplication over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}/p{\mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}}$

The maple work sheet iluustrates the problem of intermediate expression swell. In many situations, this problem is solved by means of modular methods. Here's an example of such method that will study in detail later

$ A=(a_{ij})$ a square matrix over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ of order $ n$ with $ \mid a_{ij} \mid \leq C$ for $ 1 \leq i,j \leq n$ .
$ {\det}(A) \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ .
\begin{minipage}{10 cm}
\quad \= \quad \= \quad \= \quad ...
\> \> $d$\ := $d - m$\ \\
\> {\bf return}($d$)

Another example of intermediate expression swell is given below. Consider the polynomials

$\displaystyle r_0 = {x \sp {200}}+{x \sp {10}}+1 \ \ {\rm and } \ \ r_1 = {x \sp {80}}+{x \sp 8}+1$ (1)

in the ring $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Q}}$}}[x]$ . The successive remainders of the Euclidean Algorithm applied to $ r_0$ and $ r_1$ are

We will study modular methods for the Euclidean Algorithm too.

Marc Moreno Maza