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Type Systems

SEMANTIC CHECKING. A compiler must perform many semantic checks on a source program.

In this chapter we will focus on type checking and type conversions. Most of the other static checks are easy to implement.

TYPE INFORMATION may be needed for the code generation. For instance, for the translation of overloaded symbols like +. Indeed, overloading may be accompanied by coercion of types, where a compiler supplies an operator to convert an operand into the type expected by the context.

OVERLOADED SYMBOLS AND POLYMORPHIC FUNCTIONS. An overloaded symbol is a symbol that represent different operations in different contexts. This is different from a polymorphic function which is a function whose body can be executed with arguments of several types.

TYPES HAVE STRUCTURE. Generally types are either basic or structured.

TYPE EQUIVALENCE. Because of overloaded symbols and structured types, we will be concerned with the non trivial problem of type equivalence.

TYPE EXPRESSION. The idea is to associate each language construct with an expression describing its type and so called type expression. Type expressions are defined inductively from basic types and constants using type constructors. Here are the type constructors that we shall consider in the remaining of this chapter. They are close to type constructors of languages like C or PASCAL.

Basic types.
char, int, double, float are type expressions.
Type names.
It is convenient to consider that names of types are type expressions.
If T is a type expression and n is an int then
array(n, T)
is a type expression denoting the type of an array with elements in T and indicies in the range 0 ... n - 1.
If T1 and T2 are type expressions then
T1 × T2
is a type expression denoting the type of an element of the Cartesian product of T1 and T2. We assume that products of more than two types are defined in a similar way and that this product-operation is left-associative. Hence
(T1 × T2) × T3 and T1 × T2 × T3
are equivalent.
If name1 and name2 are two type names, if T1 and T2 are type expressions then
record(name1: T1, name2: T2)
is a type expression denoting the type of an element of the Cartesian product of T1 and T2. The only difference between a record and a product is that the fields of a record have names.
If T is a type expression, then
is a type expression denoting the type pointer to an object of type T.
Function types.
If T1 and T2 are type expressions then
T1 $ \rightarrow$ T2
is a type expression denoting the type of the functions associating an element from T1 with an element from T2.

GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATIONS FOR TYPE EXPRESSIONS. Let $ \Sigma_{{{val}}}^{{}}$ be the alphabet consisting of

Let $ \Sigma_{{{op}}}^{{}}$ be the alphabet consisting of the keywords array, ×, record, pointer and $ \rightarrow$. Then it is not hard to see that the set of type expressions can be viewed as a language of expressions in the sense of the section about syntax trees in the chapter dedicated to syntax-directed definitions. Indeed we could write
(array n T), (record name1 T1 name2 T2) and (pointer T)
instead of
array(n, T), record(name1: T1, name2: T2) and pointer(T).
That way we would satisfy the definition of a language of (arithmetic) expressions. It follows that we can use syntax trees and DAGs to represent type expressions graphically.

TYPE SYSTEMS. A type system is a set of rules assigning type expressions to different parts of the program.

A LANGUAGE IS STRONGLY TYPED if the compiler can guarantee that the accepted programs will execute without type errors. Lisp languages are usually weakly typed:

CannaLisp listener 3.5 beta 2
-> (defun f (l) (car l))
-> (f '(+ 1 2))
-> (f (+ 1 2))
Bad arg to car 3

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Marc Moreno Maza