Hint 1 (size method) Small hint: We can do a postorder traversal of the tree. This will allow us to count the number of nodes in the tree from the bottom up. For example, the size of a leaf nodes children (empty trees) are 0, the size of the subtree rooted at a leaf node is 1, etc. What is the size of the subtree rooted at that leaf node's parent? Since this is a recursive method, we will need a base case and a recursive part. What is the base case? (When a subtree is empty. But how do we check for this?) What is the recursive part? (When the tree is not empty) Big hint: Algorithm If the tree is empty, return a size of 0 If the tree is not empty Get the size of the left subtree (recursive call) Get the size of the right subtree (recursive call) Return the size of myself + my left subtree + my right subtree