Tuesday April 5 (TC 343, 12:30 -> 13:30)

  1. Aaron Chen Li Tapir: Embedding Fork-Join Parallelism into LLVM's Intermediate Representation
  2. Matthew Lovick An Efficient Parallelization Strategy for Dynamic Programming on GPU
  3. Dishon Merkhai Optimal Loop Unrolling For GPGPU Programs

Wednesday April 6 (13:30 -> 15:30, on Zoom, using office hours meeting)

  1. Jacob Neiman On-the-Fly Pipeline Parallelism
  2. Carolyn Owen Pipelining with futures
  3. Zhouran Shi done The Tao of Parallelism in Algorithms
  4. Matteo Tanzi Dynamic Programming Parallel Implementation for the Knapsack problem
  5. Ian Tremblay Beyond nested parallelism: tight bounds on work-stealing overheads for parallel futures
  6. Geoffrey Ronan Vissers Perfect Pipelining

Thursday April 7 (TC 343, 11:30 -> 13:30)

  1. Shichao Wang Sorting algorithms in CUDA
  2. Jeffrey Tsz Ching Wong Minisat
  3. Fraser James Alexander Brown Expressing pipeline parallelism using TBB constructs: a case study on what works and what doesn't
  4. Gavin Clarke Optimizing Graph Algorithms for Improved Cache Performance
  5. Dylan Michael Christian Parallel Algorithms for maximum subsequence and maximum subarray
  6. Elijah Joseph John Deluzio Expressing pipeline parallelism using TBB constructs: a case study on what works and what doesn't
  7. Alexandra Drazilov Fixing Performance Bugs