Univariate polynomials.

Let $ R$ be a ring. The univariate polynomial ring $ R[x]$ can be implemented using different data types.

Expression trees.
All arithmetic operations are in $ {\cal O}(1)$ . But the representation is not canonical: two different expression trees can encode the same polynomial. Therefore operations like DEGREE, LEADING COEFFICIENT, REDUCTUM are in $ {\cal O}(n)$ where $ n$ is the degree of the polynomial. Even worst the equality-test is $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ (for non-balanced trees).
Arrays of coefficients.
The polynomial

$\displaystyle p(x) \ \ = \ \ a_n x^n + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0$ (34)

is coded by a record consisting of This representation is said dense becasue all $ a_i$ are coded, even those which are null. This representation is canonical. Hence operations like DEGREE, LEADING COEFFICIENT, REDUCTUM are in $ {\cal O}(1)$ . Addition and equality-test are in $ {\cal O}(n)$ and multiplication is in $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ . This representation is especially good when the ring of coefficients is a small prime field, i.e. $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}/p{\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ with $ p$ prime and in the range $ [2, 2^{N} - 1]$ .
List of terms.
The polynomial

$\displaystyle p(x) \ \ = \ \ a_n x^n + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0$ (35)

is coded by the list $ L$ of records $ [a_i, i]$ where $ a_i$ is a nonzero coefficient and such that $ L$ is sorted decreasingly w.r.t. $ i$ . This representation is said sparse, since only the nonzero $ a_i$ are coded. This representation is also canonical. Hence operations like DEGREE, LEADING COEFFICIENT, REDUCTUM are in $ {\cal O}(1)$ . Moreover the operation REDUCTUM does not require coefficient duplication (on the contrary of the previous representation). Addition and equality-test are in $ {\cal O}(n)$ and multiplication is in $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ . This representation is especially good when the ring of coefficients is itself a ring of sparse polynomials.

Marc Moreno Maza