How to Get Added to the Grad List

All Computer Science graduate students are listed on the  Graduate Students page.  To link your name to your personal web space, follow the steps below:

  1. SSH to the Research Network.  From off campus, you'll want to SSH to  On Windows, you can use a program like PuTTY to connect via SSH.  On macOS and Linux, you can open a terminal and use the built-in ssh command:
  2. First, your home directory needs have world-execute permissions set.
    chmod o+x .
  3. Next, create a directory in your home directory called   public_html  and ensure it is world-readable and executable.  :
    mkdir $HOME/public_html
    chmod 755 $HOME/public_html
  4. Create a symbolic link to your $HOME/public_html directory called www. Please note, this link is IN your home directory, NOT in the public_html sub-directory.
    ln -s public_html www
  5. Create a file in your $HOME/public_html directory called index.html (Use your favourite editor or upload a file using a program like WinSCP, FileZilla, or the built-in scp command on macOS and Linux.)  Make sure it is world readable:
    chmod 644 $HOME/public_html/index.html
  6. Put in a ticket at and request to have your userid added to the 'web-compsci' group. Once that is completed, a job will run overnight that will mount your web space and link your name on the Graduate Students page to your web space. In the morning, your web space will be accessible at, where USERNAME is your Western username.