News and Announcements 2020

All News and Announcements for the year 2020 are listed below.

  • October 30, 2020
    Best Paper Award

    Professor Haque’s research work on ISP network costing in partnership with Bell Canada wins the Best Paper Award!

  • October 29, 2020
    IEEE 2020 Leadership Award

    Congratulations to Professor Anwar Haque on being awarded the 2020 IEEE CCECE Leadership Award

  • October 23, 2020
    Online Counselling

    We are now hosting virtual drop-in hours once a week for students who would like to meet individually with a departmental counsellor but are unable to visit campus. Join us each Friday from 9:30 am – 11:30 am on Zoom

  • July 09, 2020
    Mark Daley named CIFAR Vice-President (Research)

    We are pleased to announce that Computer Science Professor Mark Daley will become VP Research at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR). This is a three year secondment. He will continue his research and graduate supervision.

  • June 11, 2020
    Bell 5G Research Partnership

    Western is partnering with Bell on a 5G research initiative. Bell will invest $2.7 million and deploy 5G network equipment and infrastructure throughout the Western campus. The partnership will also fund research and development initiatives, training opportunities, and technological innovations.

  • May 20, 2020
    New site helps data tell COVID-19 story in real time

    The COVID-19 Canada Site includes both real-time visualizations and statistical analysis, created from data released daily by the Government of Canada, provincial governments and other public accessible data sources.

  • May 19, 2020
    Best Student Paper: AI 2020

    We would like to congratulate Xinyu Yun and Tanner Bohn for being selected to receive the best student paper award by Canadian AI 2020

  • May 19, 2020
    Machine Learning to Classify Pathogens

    Gurjit S. Randhawa, a Computer Science PhD student at Western, is the first author of a paper recently published in PLOS One that describes a machine learning-based tool that allows researchers to quickly and easily classify a novel pathogen like COVID-19 virus in just minutes

  • May 11, 2020
    Western’s first combined PhD

    Jacqueline Kueper, MSC’17, did not intend to be a pioneer. But the more she thought about the possibilities, the more she realized becoming Western’s first combined PhD candidate made sense. Currently, Kueper is pursuing a doctorate in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Computer Science – the first Western student to study two different fields for one PhD.

  • May 08, 2020
    New Faculty 2020

    The deptartment of Computer Science is pleased to announce that Mostafa Milani will be joining our Faculty in July. His research interests are data management, data quality, data cleaning and applications of AI in data management.

  • March 19, 2020
    CS Main Office -- Virtual

    As of 19-Mar-2020 the Computer Science main office has moved virtual, due to COVID-19.

  • February 05, 2020
    Computing Careers Guide

    Computer Careers – What kinds of computing jobs are out there and the path to follow to that job. A Free Guide for prospective students and career advisors.

  • January 29, 2020
    Faculty Postions in Computer Science

    The Dept of Computer Science is pleased to announce a search for a probationary (tenure track) position in Databases as well as a position in Networking

  • January 20, 2020
    RBC Scholarship In Data Science

    Awarded annually to students in year three of a Computer Science or Statistical and Actuarial Science program that is Module based on academic achievement, and has an interest in pursuing a career in big data, data science, or artificial intelligence. Deadline: 18/Feb/2020